SEMI_IDENT R.Legg 190921 The following files should be considered as work in progress. Should you alter or add to them in your own work, please take care to rename them, prior to saving the new file with the alterations. 00 CASE IDENT210830.xls Four worksheets categorized as Plastic, Hermetic, Stud-RF-Flange, and SMD type - attempts to describe and coordinate standard and non-standard semiconductor packaging by major dimensions and agency/mfr designations. Approximately 2700 general package outlines are identified, to cover roughly 12K manufacturer's and agency's package labels. Mechanical drawings for some of the cases identified have been uploaded to: -AXIAL_COAXIAL_CASE_OUTLINES (~150) -HERMETIC_CASE_OUTLINES (~1100) -PLASTIC_CASE_OUTLINES (~900) -POWER_MODULES (<100 so far) -RF_CASE_OUTLINES (~1100) -SMD_CASE_OUTLINES (~1500) When unzipped, you will find that ~5000 drawings have been given file names that intrinsically include the various labels applied at different times by different manufacturers, organizations and publications, as presented in the CASE IDENT spreadsheet. The file names also include major dimensions and descriptors, in the hope that similar parts may be sorted, grouped or identified. File names are derived from the drawings and will include any errors or falsehoods presented by the drafter. It should be noted that some case types may cross boundaries in their construction, application and definition. MFR IDENT ABBREVIATION 210913.xls This is a list of three-letter codes used for mfr identification in some of these worksheets. Approximately 590 entries. stripped190515.xls Accumulated bipolar semiconductors organized alpha-numerically (well, actually numero-alphabetically per Excel) in a crude rating system, including packaging and marking abreviations, where appropriate. Approximately 70.5K devices. smd_mark_to_type_04_210913.xlsx smd_type_to_mark_04_210913.xlsx SMD marking codes listed alternately by part type and part marking. Due to line count limitations of the .xls file format, these sheets have been converted to .xlsx file format. Last updated to include 2-terminal devices, linear and switching regulators, power supervisory devices, battery monitors, power bus switches, analog switches, transient suppression networks; there is no guarantee that markings drawn from mfr's catalogs have ever actually been produced in any quantity, though some mfrs have shown some restraint in this regard. Manufacturers who develop smd identification systems that create mythical parts will find their imaginary entries in the 'deleted' section, when identified as such. This kind of sales documentation is considered to be worthless noise. Approximately 100K lines, although many duplications and invalid lines are identified. If you wish to contribute to this work, send a spreadsheet containing additions-only spreadsheet lines with an identifiable file name, to include last mod date in yy-mm-dd format to Contents should be formated exclusively as text-only. A transition to open source formats has proven to be an issue on local hardware and software. RL